Devil May Cry V's announcement at E3 2018 was the absolute highlight of the event for me. It's exactly the sort of announcement that keeps me watching and anticipating the self-indulgant advertising hellscape every year, one that gets me to completely lose my mind with raw, unfettered excitement. A new Devil May Cry!? Starring Nero!? Heavily influenced by DmC?! Kickass buttrock in the trailer!? Every second of that trailer kicked me into a new level of existance, cutting through my cynisism about hype culture and press events. Because Devil May Cry was back, baby. And despite some hickups( oh good greif ), it's remained my most anticipated game of 2019 ever since the announcement. So naturally I've been chomping at the bit to get my hands on it, and now the PS4 demo has finally dropped, I can lay down my thoughts on how it's shaping up and weather my hopes are dreams are going to come to pass.