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Showing posts from December, 2016


Necropolis is a stylish game. It's bold cell-shaded art style is gorgeous, and fits well with the short, snappy dialogue and simple loot system. It's a game that goes for bare minimum in all aspects, and while it does lend itself some class, I wish it had maybe splashed out on stuff to actually DO. It took me a while to get to grips with the basics of Necropolis' combat, which is a bit more involved than what I'm used to in Roguelikes. It's familiar enough that my Dark Souls instincts kicked into full gear, but different enough that said instincts caused me nothing but grief. It's not as meaty as DS, feeling instead like if you cranked the Zelda slider on DS up a tad. Enemies flash red when hit and you don't get to see health bars, and only the heaviest of weapons will stagger them. The animations sometimes feel a little clunky, but I found that less of a problem as I played. The biggest difference comes in managing max stamina, representing exhaustion. You...