High level Street Fighter play is often compared to rock-paper-scissors by it's players. So much so, that tournaments will often have mini-tournaments of rock-paper-scissors on the side, the concept is so integral to professional level play. With that in mind, Planetary Annihilation is a billion different rock-paper-scissors matches played simultaneously. In space. With planets. And Death Stars. Planetary Annihilation is a toy box of weaponry to play with in Solar System Sandpit. It's all the mostly Star Wars related fantasies you've ever had, 500-strong armies of mooks storming an enemy encampment, launching a fleet of fighters supported by capital ships to rain death from above on a planet full of factories, or of course, firing a god damn Death Star. Compared to other games of it's ilk, the number of options available to you in Planetary Annihilation is astounding. It's a genre which rarely lives up to the "strategy" part of it's name, with only a f...