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Showing posts from May, 2016

Far Cry Primal

Somehow, through various Steam sales and other family members buying them, I've ended up with all the Far Cry games. Which is odd, because I'm not that fussed about the series. It's been alright. More than anything, these days I've just been disappointed with it. (No screenshots this week, because the internet has gone down the shitter and it would take all day. Sorry I guess, no pretty pictures.) Far Cry and Far Cry 2 were wildly different games. They both had similar stealth survivalist elements to an extent, but had completely different tones, and shared little on a mechanical level. 3 was definitely an iteration on 2, but the story tone was again completely different, borrowing the first game's colour palette with a story about an unlikable cunt in the middle of nowhere, which I guess was also borrowed from the first game. But they are DIFFERENT unlikable cunts, and there are no mutants, so there's that. It also streamlined a lot of 2's stuff and introdu...

Hyrule Warriors: Legends

I've pumped a fuckton of hours into the original WiiU Hyrule Warriors, and now that I've put a sizable dent into the astronomical amount of content in the 3DS version, I thought I might write some words about them. Once again nicking some screenshots from Videogamer. Cheers. The Zelda series is, rightfully, one of the most beloved series of all time, and as with most Nintendo properties, it's longevity is partly down to very strict control over it's usage. If a Zelda game is getting made, you can be damn sure it will be good, no matter the gimmicky controls Ninty has developed a habit of putting in things these days. Even spin-offs by other studios fall under this policy, ever since a certain deal with Phillips we all know too well. Minish Cap, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, and now Hyrule Warriors are all brilliant, and well deserving of the name they represent. The Warriors series isn't for everyone, rather it's for those who see value in repetition and mindless, yet...


See, this isn't marked as specifically the Open Beta because frankly, the game is finished. Sure the full release will have ranked mode back in, but not much else, and there isn't much I want to talk about there. There's more than enough for me to witter on about in regards to the meat and potatoes though, so I'm going to do that weather YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. Overwatch has been rightly pegged as TF2 by way of a "MOBA", the figurehead of the recent "Hero Shooter" genre push, that literally nothing else will ever be more successful than because Overwatch is by fucking Blizzard. Blizzard is big enough to have it's own convention, and frankly they've got the back-catalogue to justify it. Besides World of Warcraft, the machine that prints money, they've got StarCraft, Diablo and Hearthstone under their belts, among others, all of which are great examples of their own genres with huge dedicated fanbases. And Overwatch I feel plays to their streng...

Nioh (Alpha)

Ended up getting a refund for Castlevania so I could get some stuff in that brief Anime sale Steam had. Specifically, some Shantae games and Toukiden Kiwami, the latter of which I will defiantly write about when I've pumped in the hours a game of it's type needs. I'm also playing the Overwatch open beta, and Far Cry Primal, and Arkham City, so for now, have a short-ish impression of the alpha for souls-like Nioh. Nioh isn't shy about what it takes from Souls. The menus are near-identical, as is it's penchant for leaving you in the dark to figure everything out for yourself. So for a Souls fan like myself, that's brilliant, less so for a newcomer. If you're a newcomer, I can safely tell you to stay clear of Nioh, as it's even more mechanically complex on every level. To begin with, each weapon now has a skill tree of different moves to perform, unlocked with points gained as you level up your standard Souls stats the way you always have(albeit with diffe...