Somehow, through various Steam sales and other family members buying them, I've ended up with all the Far Cry games. Which is odd, because I'm not that fussed about the series. It's been alright. More than anything, these days I've just been disappointed with it. (No screenshots this week, because the internet has gone down the shitter and it would take all day. Sorry I guess, no pretty pictures.) Far Cry and Far Cry 2 were wildly different games. They both had similar stealth survivalist elements to an extent, but had completely different tones, and shared little on a mechanical level. 3 was definitely an iteration on 2, but the story tone was again completely different, borrowing the first game's colour palette with a story about an unlikable cunt in the middle of nowhere, which I guess was also borrowed from the first game. But they are DIFFERENT unlikable cunts, and there are no mutants, so there's that. It also streamlined a lot of 2's stuff and introdu...