I love Endless legend, though in some respects maybe not for the reasons I'm supposed to. Hey look, screenshots that I took. I'm right professional, me. Endless Legend is a strategy game in the vein of Civilisation, and as such you'd imagine it was meant to be played like a strategy game in the vein of Civilisation. I don't do that, though granted I also don't play Civilisation like a strategy game in the vein of Civilisation. I play Endless Legend more like cult medieval sim Mount and Blade, but with a clear end-game. I'll create a world of a specific size depending on how long I want my empire's story to last, with anomalies set to high so I can easily get a fuckton of resources, and I role play as one of the many fantastic factions in a quest for some form of world domination. In my brief experience with Civilisation I did the same, and very much enjoyed the single game I played in it. I can still remember the story beats of my Japanese empire, and the l...